Who we are

Founded by Stephanie Brown, Broad Comedy is a group that was originally created to bring more women into the Champaign-Urbana comedy scene. Our current mission is to more broadly diversify local comedy and create a fun, welcoming, and inclusive performance space.

Back in 2016, Stephanie was a PhD student at the University of Illinois, writing her dissertation about gender and authenticity in the male-dominated world of stand-up comedy. After hearing from countless comedians about the ‘boys club’ and gatekeeping that existed within the stand-up community, Stephanie sought to create a welcoming open mic space for female-identifying performers in the field.

Broad Comedy’s first home was in the back room of a pizza place in downtown Urbana. And it was so. fucking. fun. Crowds and performers slowly started to take notice during the first year, leading Stephanie to bring Lisa Graff & Andrew Schiver on board as producers and hosts of the monthly open mic. They encouraged other underrepresented groups to sign up and perform, opening the floor to any and all minority groups and members of the LGBTQ+ community, and building BC’s base even more.

Eventually outgrowing the pizza place, BC tried out some larger venues in downtown Urbana, settling at the Rose Bowl Tavern, where they’ve hosted the open mic for several years. After Stephanie moved on to pursue her career in academia (and Andrew & Lisa got busy with school/jobs/kids/moving away), Gretchen Conlin & Michelle Lore were brought on as additional producers to help keep the show running. And they really did run with it! BC now does regular shows at venues all over C-U, thanks in no small part to the efforts of Michelle & Gretchen, and their love for our comedy community.

Over the years we’ve had countless open mics (I mean…we could count, but who has the time?), writing workshops, showcase shows, late night hangs, group texts, and general tom-foolery (tanya-foolery? must foolery be gendered?). We’ve had hundreds of performers, thousands of audience members, and only a handful of hecklers. It’s a great time, and the great times just keep getting greater.

Check out our Event Calendar to see what’s coming up, or reach out using the contact form below. We hope to see you at a show soon!

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!